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Sherborne Girls

Sherborne Girls

One of the top girls' schools in the UK

What is life without learning? At Sherborne Girls, we believe that education forms our habits. It shapes our values and our beliefs, preparing us for the future and steering us through life. That is why we are committed to providing an outstanding education to every girl in our community.

From the moment she joins us, your daughter is welcomed into a friendly, compassionate and caring full-boarding environment where her individual strengths, talents and interests are identified, nurtured, and given wings to take flight.

We don’t believe in hothousing at Sherborne Girls. But we do believe in giving every girl an opportunity to find her niche. So we provide plentiful, diverse and challenging opportunities across every facet of education, including rigorous academic study, an array of co-curricular activities, sport for everyone, and a shared commitment to pastoral care and personal flourishing.

Through this, our girls become inquisitive, aspirational, curious and kind. They are made ready for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century, with a clear sense of ambition and the personal qualities to succeed in whatever path they choose to follow.

Meet one of our girls and you will instantly discern the way our distinctive ethos is embodied. You will encounter someone who is thoughtful, engaged, courteous and generous; someone possessing a rare blend of self-belief and humility, who is ready to thrive in the modern world.

This is what it means to help our pupils realise their potential. It is what it means to take girls out of their comfort zones and encourage them to try new things. It is what it means to foster a spirit of adventure, leadership and perseverance, to promote personal development in the context of a vibrant community, and to celebrate our achievements, both as individuals and as a school.

I don’t doubt that each of our pupils has a unique journey through Sherborne Girls. We would be failing them if it were not so. But they also share a common culture, underpinned by values like empathy, integrity and modesty. And that is what we are proud of. It is what makes us whole.

We are a school in which girls are given roots to grow and wings to fly. I am proud to have taken over the leadership of such a special community. Together, I believe we can continue to build on our distinctive culture, ensuring many more generations of girls grow into 21st century women, ready to take their place in an exciting, challenging and stimulating world.

Dr. Ruth Sullivan 

Headmistress, BSc, PGCE (Edinburgh); MSc, PhD (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine).

Sherborne Girls
Bradford Road

01935 812245

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